
Polyfilm material – an eco-friendly packaging option. The Cold Seal® polyfilm packaging material is easily printed in up to 6 colors which makes it ideal for companies that use branded packaging.

The material is supplied in rolls for use on our System Packaging Machines. When used in conjunction with our SP CH2400 Machine it produces a returnable re-sealable bag as a more eco-friendly option.

Useful usage information​

  • Cold Seal® polyfilm can be used with most metals, such as steel, aluminum, and zinc.
  • Cold Seal® may discolor or degrade when in contact with copper, manganese, and lead.
  • Materials such as plastics or decorative lacquers/paints can soften or discolor when in contact with Cold Seal® and should therefore be checked for compatibility.

​Polyfilm – a self-sealing packaging material

Polyfilm is specifically designed for packaging items such as:

  • books
  • clothes
  • shoes
  • electronic components
  • phone cases
  • screen protectors
  • small industrial components
  • spare parts
  • pharmaceutical items
  • contact lenses.